Sunday, January 25, 2009


guys, i'm SOOOO sorry (yet again, yeah i know) for going MIA these past couple weeks --- the semester started off hard and fast and i've been running around going crazy since i got back. now i've got three or so concert-thingys (two for organizations, one for myself) i'm playing this semester, eight songs written, prayer, worship, and Bible study groups, Midnight Madness stuff, my sorority activities, etc. etc. all on top of classes and homework. it's good that i like all my classes so far (except for Esssssspanol, which there's not much i can do about that, i'm just not a huge language person, i guess) and that the homework isn't too difficult, because of all the other insane-ness i'm in already! There's stats, which, although I'm not a math person in addition to not being a language person, the work is pretty simple and i like my professor a lot. He's this sweet old man who makes lots of jokes and draws pictures on our quizzes. Then there's World Music, which, at the present moment, is driving me UP THE WALL because i (Me, Jasmine Saygan) have to be stuck in 50-minute lectures on things like PITCH. and RHYTHM. on friday, we were having the lecture on pitch, and in the first five minutes of class, my professor played "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on the piano. That was the very moment i fell asleep and did not wake up until 45 minutes later. After that is Spanish, and later in the afternoon is Masterpieces of Literature that I also think i'm a little overqualified for (we have read three short stories so far, two of which i am POSITIVE i've read for junior literature back in high school). But it's fun, i like it a lot. Then on Tues. and Thurs. i only have my martial arts class for my p.e. credit, and that's SO much fun --- i love it! i'm in it with a couple of my friends and i get to beat them up sometimes. jk! ;)
other than that, not a whole lot of general stuff to boyfriend or whatever, sorry. :P but i'm having a good time, even if i'm all over the place.
sorry again for being so absent, but i'll try to keep a regular posting up here :) and if you want to talk to me and i'm being a typical me and not being good at keeping in touch, just call me and scold me about it. :)

Love you tons!!!!
~Jasmine ; )

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh, Michael...

Mikey's latest way of letting out some energy...

And is this Mozart in the Making?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catching up...and some pictures.

Mikey has been waking up prior to 6am the last few days. Yikes! So, Derek and I decided to put him to bed a little later to see if he'd sleep in. We put Mikey to bed at 9pm instead of 8:30pm. Nothing changed. He was talking loud and clear at 5:40am. Ugh.

Last night, once Mikey was in his PJs, he went into the kitchen and said "dot" (Scott) "bye bye". I told him Scott wasn't here. Then he said "rrr". It was sad :(

Okay... now to the pictures. I don't feel like taking the time to put the pictures in chronological order, so...

This first one is from this morning. Mikey was ready to put his boots on over his PJs and got out his hat and mittens. He really wanted to play in the snow.

The haircut and playing at Great Lakes Crossing really tired Mikey out. I put him in his chair, but he didn't wake up for lunch... early cuncun.

Mikey went to the coney in his PJs last weekend. Yes, PJs with boots over them.

Mikey misses his cousins :( They look pretty cute in their matching PJs. Looks like a SayGan tradition in the making.

Small? I'll give you small...

That's what we call a runt! Mikey was a little alien baby.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

They start out so small...

Robert was cleaning off the old computer, cards, and what-not -- and look what he found! Oh, the days when Lucas couldn't talk and walk...