Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to you -- cha cha cha!

Taken by the one and only Woocus B.

Runaway cheese -- and 2 silly boys. Gotta love quesadillas!

Here are just a couple of pictures to celebrate Robert's "49th" birthday! He didn't want to do ANYTHING, but we convinced him to go out for fish tacos and forced him to eat some home made pumpkin pie. Hey, you're only born one day out of the year -- why not celebrate it!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Little Miss T

This entry is dedicated to our very own Little Miss T, Katie-Catastrophe, Katie-did... Kate.

Here she is sporting Mikey's MSU baseball cap.

She's become a natural artiste.

And here she is, waiting for her first haircut. Here's the before picture. She's not happy with her hair either.

Taking a little off the back.
Giving Katie some nice bangs.

Are we done?

Yes! Done!

(That's what she's saying in this picture.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First day of preschool!

We'll start with the night before preschool...

Here's Mikey playing with Katie's diaper cream. That stuff is GREASY! It took 3 baths to get it all off and out of Mikey's hair. Let's just say he was pretty darn clean for school on Tuesday.

We had to skip the happy pictures of Mikey on the front porch. I didn't want to freak him out and not want to go to school. Here he is in Derek's arms... "too tired" to go to school. We were pretty worried he wouldn't want to go in at all.

The theme of the week is Cowboys and Cowgirls - "Howdy, Michael" is what the name tag says.

We found Mikey's coat hook and he hung his bag and coat. The frogs in the tank caught Mikey's attention first, then the train table. We quickly said "see ya later" and bolted.

Here he comes! First day... DONE!

Catching up!

What do you do with 4 lbs of Blueberries??? You make a yummy pie :)

We grew sunflowers from seeds this year. I'm not a sunflower person, but there are really pretty and not huge and scary :)

Here are some pictures from our night in Grand Rapids with Jackie. Auntie Jackie is so much fun and has a great house... with 3 potties and a pool table!

Mikey was too tired to ride his bike home, so Jackie and Derek took turns pulling him on his bike.

Mikey relaxing after a fun trip to the park.
Concentrating on the pool balls is serious business. He may be a hustler in the making like his grandpa.

And a hustler-ette???
Monday morning at the boat slip.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And they're off!

While we're waiting for school to start, a good 4 or 5 people we know come up to us and say,
"What? Lucas is in kindergarten already?"

I can't believe it myself... He's a big boy now.

They're gonna have a great year!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last week of Summer, plus Dr. Keating, OB-Gyn of Grey's!

Gotta get a cup with a wide enough opening to DUNK THAT COOKIE!

Lazy day at the beach.

Okay, trying to contain my excitement -- Woo hoo!!!! Too bad he never sat next to me!

Can you see the tag with the "Grey's" and ABC logos? Cool, huh?

This shot is a little blurry, but I don't care :)