Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break!

We had a great week! It was really nice to relax with Jackie in Grand Rapids while Derek was in North Carolina, AND have our own little adventure in Chicago! It was also great to come home and have a full weekend with great weather on Sunday. Sunny and 80? Can't beat it!

Here's Katie in her viewing area - watching Little People, of course.

Uncle Jason comforting Katie after a fall. Poor girl was stunned.

Here's the "level" Jackie built for Mikey while he was sleeping. He woke up and saw the masterpiece. It was like Christmas morning! (He then used his stuffed animal like an angry bird and knocked the level down.)

Katie's beautiful hair after her nap. She's channeling the flying nun.
Here's a couple pictures from the botanical garden at Navy Pier. They were setting up for an event, so we couldn't walk around and see the fountains that shoot over the walks.

Relaxing after playing at the pools. The first and last time we stay at the Waverton.

The rest are some shots from the Children's Museum. Navy Pier was a great spot to take the kids on a rainy Friday afternoon. We spent time at the museum and went to Harry Caray's for lunch. It was a nice short trip. We're excited to take the kids back when they're older and can take more sight seeing in the city.